The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

THE HAIRCUT (dun dun dun)

Do you think that he needs a cut!? Collin hates getting his haircut it usually ends up with us tricking him into climbing into the tub and then amidst screaming, bribing, holding, and more screaming we can get nough hair off of his head to keep him out of the same spot for a his hair kept growing I was dreading the time when it got too long again and we would have to go to the tub again! This time Mr. Collin didn't even make a peep, he did spit at me a couple of times trying to get hair out of his mouth. I grabbed the buzzers at a number 1 and shaved it short so luckily it will be a while before we have to do this again! Yes!


Tassi Smith said...

Do we get to see pictures of the haircut?

Katie said...

Hi Bethany! Of course I remember you! How fun to get a comment on my blog from you. It's amazing how this blogosphere has connected me with long lost friends. Your children are beautiful...all FOUR of them! Way to go! I can't believe how old Macy is. She looks just like you. It's fun remembering the Provo days. It will be fun to keep up on your family through the blog!

Briann said...

Your kids are so cute! I didn't know you married Tait? I'm not even sure you remember me but we were in choir together at Jr. High and Peter Pan (maybe some others?) Tait was in Edgewood ward with me growing up, anyways tell him Hi!

Amanda said...

Hey Bethany and Tait,
Welcome to the blog world. My wife has been doing it for a little over a year and she has found so many old friends, and even made new ones. Her blog is It's been a while since the 8th stake, looks like both our families have grown. We would love to here from ya.

Crissybug said...

Haircuts and kids can be a hard combination. I cut both Shawn, and Caden's hair. So I always cut Shawn's hair first, and then its Caden's turn. We set him in front of a laptop, and play a movie for him while I am trying to cut his hair. We also bribe him with suckers or some other type of candy. Yes...the measures we go to in order to keep our kids from looking like shaggy dogs!

Crissybug said...

BTW...I love the new pictures of your family!

Sarah Beau Bera said...
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Marquita said...

Bethany email me and I'll send you an invite to my blog.

Rhiannon said...

His hair looks to cute. I like how you guys try to convince Collin. Phoenix has the same issues with getting his hair cut.