The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Blown images

I had a few images that have been blown with in the last 15 hours.

1. I had images of me in Utah this weekend spending time with friends who I am desparate to see, my brother and his new wife who I haven't seen since their wedding in July, my little sisters who 1 I haven't seen in a year and a half and 1 who I haven't seen in several months.
Blown because they are staying one day more than I can and still claim I am a good mother.

2. I had images of me taking a spontaneous trip to Disneyland with my two children for free with park hopper tickets from Tait's boss.
Blown because we have four children (not that that is a bad thing but still it kind of blows this plan).

3. I had images of me getting up early and running with our adopted dog for what was supposed to be two weeks and then going to the early session at the temple.
Blown when my son was up for two hours mid-night because he is "going through a stage"

Have a nice weekend.


Jennie Ellison said...

you can "blow" mesa and come visit us. not as good as disney land or utah, but we try.

Hermana Abigail Wells said...

I am very sad you couldn't come up this weekend...but as always, I admire you in your roles as wife and mother and amazing person overall. Love you, sis, and I hope everything went okay this weekend even though all your fun images were blown.