The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One legged pirate

So the surgery was a success! I have been in a wheelchair for a few days, I now understand the importance of wide hallways for handicapped people. Learning how to drive it has been a challenge but now I told Tait that if I was ever in one of these forever I would play basketball, I am that good :)! Today I have shed the chair and am trying to use the walking cast, plus my drugs have ended so I am starting to get my sense of normalcy back. Man I know why they call pain pills "happy pills"...because your brain can't even grasp a simple concept let alone a real issue! I kept getting mad at Tait because he would ask me what I wanted to eat or something and I couldn't think! How dare he ask me to concentrate! But now I am good and trying to find a shoe that is the same height as my boot so that I don't walk like a one legged pirate.


Tassi Smith said...

I am glad the surgery went well.

Shawna said...

Glad all went well. Look how adorable you are all dressed up in your wheelchair. Good luck with the boot!

Shelley said...

You really do look cute in your wheelchair! How on earth are you going to chase after all your kids in that chair!?!

Marquita said...

Bethany, I'm so glad that everything went well. Let mw know if you need anything! Ü

john and steph said...

I am glad you are doing well. Hopefully you will get used to the boot soon. You know you are truely part of the blogging world when you take your camera to the hospital to document for all to see. I am glad you did and was waiting for an update.

Strong Family - said...

So how do you chase 4 kids around in a wheelchair? I hope you've had some help!!! You're kids are so cute...I love Evan's smile. And the spirit week pictures are great. Jacob is too shy to really get into that kind of stuff.

Rhiannon said...

I am glad that you are feeling better. It's kind of weird to have people wait on you isn't it? I don't like when I'm down sick or other wise. Hopefully you can find some shoes.

Palmer family said...

Glad it went well and you are home again. I hate staying in hospitals for some reason...they're not even fun to visit....except when Trav worked at one. Hope the rest of your recovery is smooth.

Chelsea said...

It's kind of funny how cute you look in that picture...I'm glad everything is going well.

Tawni said...

Wow, good luck with all of that! And have fun w/the boot.Ü Joking.