The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What happened!?

I am sitting here wondering how my baby Em grew up to be 2!! She is the craziest, funniest, weirdest, and most fun child yet and I don't know what this family would be without her. Thank you Emily for choosing our family!


Tassi Smith said...

So cute. I miss you guys. We need to come and see you or you come here. Brooklyn misses her cousins.

Tatum and Chase Rasmussen said...

I will agree that she is the most sweetest, craziest, funniest, and weirdest child ever! But she is my niece and I love her!! She fits in perfect with the family! haha I can't believe she is 2!

Rhiannon said...

What a cutie!

Becca said...

Hey Bethany!

This is Becca Kern(Boyles). I saw your blog on Crystal's and just wanted to say hay!. You guys have a beautiful family!! It's great to find you. check out my blog