The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow it's been a while

So I haven't written in a while. Life happens I guess. No, actually I won't pretend like I have been uber busy (if you have ever wondered what that means it means 'over' in Deutsch- that means German) I have just pretty much been hanging out with my kids, watching movies and playing with friends and thought I would take a break from the blog world. But then it happened...I got tagged by my Sister in law Tatum...and at risk of offending, I will oblige. Read on if you are interested. If not, then, what the heck are you doing on my blog!?!
I've been tagged....A-Z about me
A*age-28--what? When did that happen?!

B*birthday-October 3rd
C*candy or cake-cake
D*dessert you love-any with sugar :)
E*easiest person to talk to-don't know--I don't really like to talk much.
F*favorite song-Baby got sauce
G*gold or silver-silver
H*habit-I bounce my leg, that's from my Dad
I*instruments you play-piano and I am learning the guitar
J*Job title-mommy, mommy, mommy
K*kids-I can't remember, they won't hold still long enough to count
L*love or lust-stupid question
M*Married, single or taken-another stupid question
N*next to you-a travel book on new york/ phone/ and a stack of pictures that need to be placed in an album but are currently covered in a thin player of dust
O*one wish-happiness forever, no more worries, and...of course world peace--oh wait that's three
P*person you called last-my friend Jill
Q*Quotes-myself, I am totally deep
R*reasons to smile-the travel book next to me
S*steak or pork-steak wrapped in a side of bacon
T*turns you on-what is that--I'm too tired to answer that question :)
U*unique talent-I can raise one eyebrow and my arms are double jointed
W*woke up at what time-6:30, my husband let me sleep in!
X*xrays you have had-foot, well really just my toe but you can't have one without the other (now I am singing the theme from Married with children, great-ha now you are too! mission accomplished)
Y*your favorite color-red, blue
Z*zodiac sign-libra Emily, Lisa (if she is done being gone from the blog world), and Jill

So we are leaving for the 4th so I will try to do something cool and catch it on film so I have something to post. Out-Bethany


Emily K. said...

I LOVE reading your blogs. It gives me a little piece of my friend that I so dearly miss. You are the best! Don't give up on the blogging world yet.

Tatum and Chase Rasmussen said...

Ya don't worry, you wouldn't offend me if you didn't do the tag. I do it cause I feel bad not doing it, but who the heck cares if we do it or not. But I enjoyed learning about your ABC's. haha

Leslie said...

Wow-how random of a connection is that? (Through Jake and Emily!) Your family picture is so cute. Fun to hear how you guys are doing.

The Pettit Family said...

You are hilarious! I loved reading about you. Happy Independence Day!

Amber and The Boys said...

Hey Rudds! This is the Price family from back in your BYU ward days! Just found a link to your blog from the Bundrock's and thought I would stop in and say hi! 4 kids now-wow! And I can't even belive that is Macey! She was just a baby last we saw here. Cute family! Hope all is well!

Marquita said...

Aww, Bethany, you never fail at making me laugh! You're sooo funny!