Sometimes when I get done doing my blog stalking I feel very my life is not quite as good as other peoples. Not right but the truth...maybe some of you share in this quandry. I was talking to Tait about it and saying that all of these mom's do these really cool things and blah, blah, blah. He, of course, said that I was crazy and blah, blah, good mom, blah, good person, blah...sometimes coming from someone who HAS to say that it isn't as comforting!! Anyway he reminded me that people can put any little tiny snapshot (literally) out of their day onto their blog and post it as their "life". Of course I knew this but I am a woman and sometimes the estrogen takes over the reason and I get caught up in the drama of who's prettier, who's cleaner, who's blah, blah, blah. For that reason I share with you the truth of life...don't try to say that you couldn't take some pictures like this at this moment cause you would be lying and we all know what happens to liars...their noses grow...and they go to hell and how embarrassing would it be to go to hell AND have a big nose.
Clothes sit out way too long
There is that room that never can get clean
Projects go unseeded
Kids watch too much TV
and ironing sits out with the best intentions.Well there you have it. What we all look like but no one will admit. I challenge you to post pics of what your house looks like now...or maybe at 4 pm when you are trying to get dinner ready while the witching hour goes on around you.
May this uplift you as you blog stalk your "perfect" friends.
My house looks like this too often. My children like to get caught in precarious places. On top of drawers and inside cupboards. My punishment is just to leave them there for a while. I enjoy the fact that no one is perfect. Thanx for the truthfulness. You made my day.
I so agree with you on this. Right now I have clothes on my floor that need to be put away, and a huge stack of clothes that need to be folded and put away all over my room. My girls are watching TV and both bathrooms could use a good clean. I hope saying all of this out loud will motivate me.
The other day, I actually took pictures of my crazy, messy house, and was going to put them on my blog, for inspiration purposes, of course. My husband would not let me!!! I guess he doesn't want people to know that I'm sooooo not good at doing things right. I have one blog of a friend from high school that I look at, and every single time I want to cry. Why do other people have it figured out, when I can't? Thanks for a little perspective, and for the honesty. I can't believe you said HE double toothpicks twice!! What would Jolene think?
I feel the more you want to gag when reading peoples blogs the bigger the liar.
THANK YOU! I feel the same way! Just last wee I was going to take pictures and never got to it, cause I was L-A-Z-Y! At least you got the pictures taken:) I feel a lot better now knowing that you are normal like 99% of us s.a.h.m.'s. You really are amazing and I always benefit from your blog:)
I will totally admit that my house is horrible! Everyone always makes comments that my house could or is never in dismay... but let me tell you, it takes my 12 hours to pick it up, clean, and put out all the "adult" decore'! I'm not going to lie about it, my house is horrible! I also will admit, I don't iron... unless needed. I do a lot of pre-made frozen meals from Sam's or Costco, and I do laundry only when we have no more undies to wear! We thankfully have 2-3 weeks of clothes to last out through... So, as I said, I am not perfect my any means!
I feel the same way as you though, when you look at everyone's blogs it does make you feel like you can't keep up with the Jones' at all! From spiritual lessons in life to homemaking skills, to quality family time! But on the plus side, it gives me ideas for stuff for us to do as a family, or with my son, or even tips to make for my home!
Just keep it is perspective, easier said than done, I know!
Right on! I know what you mean. I don't read blogs (except for yours) as often anymore for that reason. Your honesty is refreshing.
Don't ever feel that your life is not exciting or frustrated that your house isn't perfect.I would admit that most would never air all of their dirty laundry online for all to see. My house is clean only when the kids haven't been home and I spend the whole day doing laundry. Keep your head up and know we all can relate.
I have like 10 loads of laundry that are sitting on the floor/couch! I am right there with ya girl! Thanks for the honesty! We all feel the pressure to have a Martha Stewart perfecto home-not a reality-especially with kiddos!
You are soooo great !!! This is why I love reading your blog...cuz you keep it REAL!
If noone has reminded you of your absolute radness in the last 3 minutes...let me do so now. You are rad.
Oh I love it, I will agree with you on everything you just said. Except I think that you are a great mom and wife so take that. I think my laundry never get down. My floor hasen't been mopped in ages and everytime I look at it I want to scream. Owell soon I keep telling myself. One day I will be that mom the has a clean house. But not tell my kids are gone. So I guess we can just enjoy the mess and unfinshed projects.
But Again I still think you are the best!!
I have felt the same way and I found a funny blog on that topic you can read here:
I don't have a blog anyway, but seriously, if I did, I guess I am *too* prideful to let people see me at my worst. Or maybe I just don't want to look back at the pictures 10 years later and remember what it was *really* like to have 4 little peops.
Hi! I found your blog thru the Kunz family blog. I was just doing a little "blog-stalking" and saw yours, and it was just what I needed. I am actually seeing a therapist a couple of times a month ($120/hr) because I get really frustrated not being able to "keep up with the Jone's" as someone said. I started a blog ( to try to be "real" and let other moms be "real," but we still can feel very inadequate. My family blog is DEFINITELY a snapshot of thousands of chaotic moments in my day! Thank you so much for sharing, and being "real" for the rest of us!
So, honestly I never iron. I shouldn't say "never" but I rarely do. For reals. Most of Travis' nice work and church shirts are wrinkle free and stain resistant, etc. They may cost a wee bit more but in the long run the no-ironing saves me mucho time! I can't remember the last thing I ironed. Probably Eliza's Easter dress back in the spring. You are a go-getter if you're ironing!
PS- i am still waiting for your chili sauce canning recipe! :)
I was just telling a friend that I am caught in the "compairing trap". I know it's a trap, but I find myself there anyway. Thanks for the reality check.
BRAVO Bethany!!!!
Bethany, you KNOW your house is cleaner than mine! So if you ever get feeling down about that, think of me fondly!
I LOVE this post, I wont post my pictures cuz CPS would be at my door. I think it is awesome I'm not the only one with a house like that. JIll
Hey Bethany! I came across your blog and absolutely had to leave a comment on this post. This is totally how I felt today and I was even considering posting the Huricane leftovers of my house today, just to make myself feel better! (It just started getting cold and we've had construction outside of our place for 2 weeks...hence cabin fever is in full swing with my oldest!) Anyways, thanks for posting it! Cute kids!!
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