The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Brother

Okay so first they make us strip at the airport, then they take away our precious Evian, next they take pics of us picking our nose on the freeway all in the name of Homeland Security--and now this...

there is a website out there where our drivers licenses are listed for the whole world to see! Pics and all...if that isn't enough to make you want to remove it then I don't know what will motivate you.

Go here and you can request to have it blocked from public view...

Thanks Lisa for saving me from abduction...or worse...public humiliation.


Kim said...


Susie said...

You got me!

Sarah said...

I totally fell for that! I kept thinking - what's the point of allowing people access to our DL'S? But talk about Big Brother, Dan told me Senate is trying to pass a law that says you can't make your kids go to church! Can you believe that? So your 10 year old cops an attitude Sunday morning and calls the cops on you? Please! Thanks for your note about my foot, it's been an inconvience that has been painful, but it's almost totally better. YEAH!

Amanda said...

Bethany! How are you guys??? I found you through Heather's blog site and I am so glad I did! Hope all is well!!!

Sweating in the endless heat said...

Too Funny:-) Always a jokester!