The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Friday, April 24, 2009




*If you don't know that I am kidding--you will never never never know me ooh ohhh ohhh.


Crissybug said...

oh my gosh...I know I would like to have a swimsuit that didn't show too much, but this is ridiculous!

Strong Family - said...

Yah, saw that when I was looking for a decent swimsuit. Here's my favorite swimsuit site though. I finally spent the money for a swimsuit I love and it was worth it...


Becca said...

Are these websites for real? The last one, the "lady" on the far right looks like a man...thanks for the laugh!

Emily K. said...

Go for a string bikini, and let all your hard work hang out. You would rock the world!! I have a pic of us from college when we were all in our swimming suits, with shorts on the bottom of course. If only we loved our bodies then. After kids, they are never the same.

Sweating in the endless heat said...

What is sad, very, very sad, is that I was looking at those swim suits last spring, cause I wanted to not have to worry about shaving and so that I could cover all my bad spots. Deb reassured me that if I wore one of them that I would be the "bad" spot and that I would draw more attention to myself then if I were to where a bikini:-) I am glad I have good friends, to watch out for the well being of my fashion:-) LOL

JLJ said...

I vote for the Slimmer Swimmer from wholesomewear. I can totally see you in that when you go swimming with your polygamist cousins.

The Clawsons said...

i wanted to puke and laugh all at the same time. wonder what that would be like?!? gotta go with jenni lynn on the "slimming" get up on the last site. slimming what, exactly? your shot at social acceptance? anyway, you gots to check ou everything is mix and match and most of the sports style tops have built in shelfs for, well...things that need the support of a shelf!

Kim G said...

Will you write my blog for me? You're so good at it!

MJ said...

I love how all the suits (or dresses I should say) are totally loose on each model. Like it's apparently too immodest to make something that actually fits the person.