The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Curriculum Night

So I was sitting at my daughter's desk last night listening to her teacher tell me how her days go and it made me feel weird. She has this whole life that I am not a part of, have no say over, and have no idea what she is even studying in Math etc. I mean, I am as involved as a parent can be. PTO, volunteer, Art Masterpeice...blah, blah. I talk to her everyday about school and friends etc.

It just made me feel weird as I went through her desk and realized that at age five I turned her over to the system and haven't really thought about what kind of effect that could have. Is five years of mother's influence all we really get? Cause now I really only see her for a couple of hours a day amidst playtime, homework, and dinner prep and clean up.

I did not like that feeling. I am starting to really think that maybe homeschooling for a few years could be beneficial? I know there is a stigma that follows homeschoolers but from what I see in the kids it produces nowadays I can't say that I wouldn't want my child to be like that...

It seems like it has come a long way since the days of being couped up in the house with only mom and siblings to play with. I wonder if I am missing a tremendous opportunity to hang with a really cool girl! I wonder if she is missing out on a tremendous opportunity to hang with a really cool mom!

I don't really know but I am going to start doing more questioning of things instead of just going along with whatever society is saying is the normal thing cause I really think that having a few extra years to teach them and prepare them for what they are undoubtedly going to come across in life can't be bad and let's face it "Society" seems to be getting it quite wrong these days!
"Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality."
- Beatrix Potter

I am curious about what ye think... what think thee?


Sarah said...

Interesting question. I've wondered if I wont think the same thing when Haydan starts going to school full time next year. Homeschool has come a long way since the days of producing socially dsyfunctional adults. The kids I know that were homeschooled and are in college now are these intelligent, amazingly talented, and mature young adults. I can put you in touch with their equally intelligent and amazing mothers if you want to know more. Looking forward to how this unfolds for you.

The Pettit Family said...

I've had the same thoughts for a long time. I friend of mine in my ward home schools her children and is the vice president of her homeschooling group. Me and a friend (or is it 'a friend and I'--Dang public schooling!!:) are going to go to the group's next meeting in October. If you are interested, I would love to have you come along. I haven't decided anything yet; just want to get more info so I can make an informed decision.

Jamie said...


You already know what I think. I know you would be an awesome homeschooler. Two of Dave's friends from highschool started homeschooling about a year ago, check out their blogs if you want...

I bet they would love it if you asked them about it.

Emily K. said...

I know my kids are younger, but, I have never put my kids in preschool for this exact reason. There is no better teacher than a patient, loving mother, I believe. I feel embarassed sometimes telling people that my kids aren't in preschool, because everyone does it. I love having them home with me. And, even though it may be selfish of me, I still do it. I also know of homeschooled children who are intelligent, advanced, and not at all socially awkward. I just read Dr. Laura's book "In praise of Stay at Home Moms," and after reading that, I thought about home schooling too. Good luck!

Smith Clan said...

I also have a friend that homeschools and have been thinking along these same lines as well. Here is Susana's blog if you are interested:

Tassi Smith said...

I think you can do homeschooling right and homeschooling wrong. We have had a few examples within the wards we have lived in. Some are better than others. You are one that I think can stay on top of things and keep your kids going. My other thought is there is no way of completely protecting them from the world. You do your best teaching them what they need to know. In the end they have their agency and they will choose for themselves no matter if they are homeschool or not.

Mighty Mighty Rudds said...

Yeah, it is not so much that I want to shield them from things, I just don't think that 5 years is enough time to prepare them for life in today's world.

zack&kami said...

Hey bethany it has been forever, It is nice to know you are back over here.
I love you blog your family looks so cute!! we should get together sometime. Anyways you sure know how to get me thinking about life and my kids. It freaks me out to know that they are growing up so fast. I am always woundering if I am teaching them enough so they will be ready for school and to leave me. Addie just started preschool and that is enough for me on having her away. So good luck with your decsion.
Keep us posted!