The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I am taking one. See you after Christmas...have a good one


Shelley said...

Merry Christmas! LOVE the family pics. I always get a heart attack every time I see how big Macy is!

Heather said...

Merry Christmas! Talk to me about Numero Uno in church... I think I will have room to teach her in January!

Susie said...

Hey, Merry Christmas and hi! It's been a while, but I found you on Damie and Jave's new blog, and thought I'd drop you a line. Check out our blog at

Shauna Lambert said...

Hey can't wait to see your Christmas update. It is always such a joy to see you and yours. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. Love, Aunt Shauna

Jamie said...


It has been almost a month already! How long is your hiatus gonna be?!?