The Mighty Mighty Rudds

We are us! We dedicate this blog to nothing in particular. It's just a bunch of stuff that I feel like writing! I can't promise that it will be updated frequently but I will try to scrounge up something of interest every once in a while! I wouldn't want to disappoint our eager fans!! Hold onto your seats this is going to be an exciting ride!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

If I were a rich man...I mean-traditions, traditions!

Traditions are a funny, fun thing-most of the time they are anyway. We have a lot. Most are passed onto us from my family (a whole lotta traditions)and some are from Tait's (not as many-broccolli rice casserole on Thanksgiving--yummy). We sort through, weigh all options and then decide which ones to keep and which ones to keep tucked away in our photo albums...notice I did NOT say scrapbooks. TANGENT: I do not scrapbook. I just don't think that my sons will be all that excited to flip through a book filled with baby boy stickers and pale yellow polka dots and bears and the like and I don't think that my girls will appreciate the hours spent making that perfect paper flower or etched glass window pane through which her perfect blessing picture peeks. So, I don't scrapbook but I DO album. I think the pictures organized and ready for their future scrabooking wives (because afterall they will not have anything to scrap because their mothers will have done it already for them) or a future nesting project for my 9 months prego daughters is good enough.
So moving along...
some of those traditions stay there, in the album (lovingly created by me) or can be shared in the annual "family traditions" RS lesson when, inevitably the teacher will ask for experiences with family traditions to share so we can all be blessed by adding MORE traditions to the long list already created by in laws and in bloods alike-you know what I am talking about. Some are welcomed in on holidays, regular days, or just whenever.

There are very few traditions that we, my husband and my children and myself, have created all on our own. Favorites at dinner, warm fuzzies, star the horse stories, van dancing, and the last one of those traditions is the one on which this post is really about (after you get through all the hilarious banter and tangents of thought)-our annual beach trip. Camping on the beach.Our "BEACH BLISS TRIP".
(no relation to Miss)

Enjoy our very own, personalized, hand crafted from scratch, just cause we love it tradition:

making sand animals...I mean they were sea creatures buried in the sand meant to fool passers by...or just the metal detector guy. At least that is the plan the kids came up with.
He did this ALL DAY! Times are tough people.

This is our children's idea of boogie boarding.

Eating at the usual spot...A's burgers. I like having a "usual" spot. It's nice.

Meine Schwester came with us...not sure what that was all about but anywho. It was a lot of fun having her there.

We have been going to Hadleys since I was a kid for their Date Banana shakes.
See...delicious. And they have these new plastic cups if you buy a large so now i have a new cup that I love and no one else is allowed to use it. I have a thing about my cups--another post. However, don't try their dried pineapple...ich. I think they soak it in sugar water first, it is nasty.

And the sun goes down on the coconut tree.


Chelsea said...

lovely...looks like you had a blast. :)

Sara! said...

Oh, Bethany- I want to hang out with you in person! Dying at your tangents and funnies (100% agree with scrapbooking and did a good snort on Miss Bliss.)

Love the beach, jealous of your tradition!

Mighty Mighty Rudds said...
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Tassi Smith said...

That looks like a lot of fun. We need to do something when we come this summer. I miss your family.

Tatum and Chase Rasmussen said...

Gross!!!! Date shakes are nasty!! But the trip looked fun and cold? Glad you guys are home safe.

Matt and Tara said...

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...I am sad we couldn't go. Next year for excuses. I will just eat sand and drink ocean water.

Joel and Lisa Wagenman said...

Looks like loads of fun! That's an amazing pic of the sun set. Are you sure you didn't come home with sand still stuck in your elastic line - you were very tangent-y in this post. :)